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ANTIQUE AL KHOLOUD © is a brand founded by COMEX International For Contracting Company And General Trading W.L.L has developed into one of largest Antique centers in Kuwait and all the Gulf countries.
After browsing through our website you will get a good idea of what we have in stock. Should you be interested in one of the items on this site, or in a specific period of Antiques, please contact us through our team’s numbers and we will answer with more detailed information as soon as possible.
What makes our Antique special and different from other antique stores, is that we are specialized not only by online shopping, but in our 3 floors showroom filled with more than 1000 old Antiques, some of them are 150 and 200 years old. In addition of that, we have different types of online auctions using the website auction, Whatsapp and Zoom and you can be a participant by contacting us to give you all the information necessary. We offer different types of Antiques including: Pianos and Radios, Furniture, Vitrines, Doors and Paravans, different types of Clocks, Chandeliers, Tables and Chairs and many more.
Make Antique Al Kholoud © your first stop on your next buying tour. We offer different styles including: Louis XVI, Louis XIII, Empire, Chippendale, Victorian, George Steck pianos and more.
Antique Al Kholoud … Heritage of the past.